
21st Century Japanese Management: Adopting Best Practices

Venue/Deadlines Program Dates Program Fees

Venue : IIMB Campus

Early Bird Discount Date : 07  Nov, 2024
Last date for registration: 18  Nov, 2024


Start Date : 28 Nov, 2024
End Date : 30 Nov, 2024

Residential Fee(excluding GST) :  Rs. 1,05,000
Residential Early Bird Fee(excluding GST) :  Rs. 94,500
Non-Residential Fee(excluding GST) :  Rs. 90,000
Non-residential Early Bird Fee(excluding GST) :   Rs. 81,000

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Who Should Participate

Senior/Midlevel Managers and others in companies seeking to learn new skills and knowledge of an alternate and highly successful style of management.

Senior / Midlevel Managers and others in Japanese companies, Indian companies who are doing business in Japan and Indian companies intending to do business with Japan.

Key Benefits / Takeaways

  • Learn from highly successful Japanese management concepts related to the art of negotiation, consensus building and teamwork.
  • Understand the transformation underway in Japanese society and industry and the business opportunities it is going to unlock.
  • Study the style and methods of Japanese innovation and how these can be applied in a different context.
  • Appreciate the role of culture in managing change and learning the skill of culture mapping.
  • Develop skills in the application of Japanese operational management practices such as lean management.

Contact Us

Ms. Preethi
Landline No.:+91-80-26993375
Mobile No. +91-8951974073
Email: preethi.s@iimb.ac.in

Starting In
Short Duration
International Travel
Alumni Status

Programme Overview
In recent years, economic relations between India and Japan have witnessed a substantial upswing. Bilateral trade has increased by more than 40% in the last two years and stands at US$ 22 billion. Last year, the two sides agreed on a target of JPY 5 trillion (US$ 35 billion) of public and private investment and financing from Japan to India in the next five years. Thus, trade and investment between the two countries is expected to rise significantly in diverse areas such as automotives, banking, healthcare, logistics & distribution, machine manufacturing and IT, AI and Robotics. The number of Japanese business establishments in India number 4,900 according to latest figures.

Despite this huge business potential, there are significant gaps in our understanding of Japanese business culture, customs and contemporary society. A deeper understanding of these aspects of doing business with Japan is critical to realizing the full potential of the vast business opportunities that exist in this regard.

The Japanese style of management has introduced unique concepts into management theory and practice related to the art of negotiation, teamwork, and consensus. These concepts have been successfully adopted by a number of Indian companies.

Is Japan rising again?
Japan is a society in transition as it grapples with the fundamental challenges posed by aging, with its population expected to shrink by one-third by 2060. To deal with this situation, the country has embarked on an ambitious plan of national renewal and transformation to Society 5.0, a post-information age society that aims to reorient its industry and economy to address its societal problems. This will have major implications for the world, as other societies like Europe and China are also aging rapidly.

This Short Duration Programme on 21st Century Japanese Management: Adopting Best Practices offered by the Mizuho India Japan Study Centre, a Centre of Excellence at IIM Bangalore, seeks to impart knowledge and skills in (i) Japan’s highly successful traditional management practices and, (ii) Japan’s 21st century reinvention of business, including in the new era of Society 5.0.

Programme Objective
Core Japanese management practices covering strategic thinking, decision making, operations and human resource management.

Guidance to think through the application of these approaches in the Indian context.

Approaches in Japanese innovation and their contrast with Indian and Western styles

Changes taking place in contemporary Japanese business culture and society and their implications and applications for Indian industry.

Programme Content
1-Japanese Management: Core Practices

Decision Making

How do the Japanese build consensus? Core concepts like nemawashi (‘turning the roots’), hoshin kanri (strategic planning), horensou (information flow) etc. will be explained and their application understood.

Art of Negotiation
Learning Japan’s unique style of negotiation that has lessons for others.

Human Resources
How do the Japanese build teamwork? What can we learn from their highly successful practices?

2. Japan Inc – the transition
Evolution of Japan Inc: Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0

What is the fundamental transformation being planned in Japan through its transition to Society 5.0, a post-information age (Society 4.0) that will reorient its industry and economy to address its societal problems? We will analyse the shifts and understand their far-reaching implications for business and society.

3. Japanese innovation
From Kaizen (incremental) to breakthrough innovation; differences with Western styles and the emerging strategic convergence among the ‘Triple Helix’ of business, government and academia.

4. Adoption of Practices in India: A New Approach

Operational Systems
Lean Management helped Japan become the high-quality factory-of- the-world. Can we use these principles in Indian manufacturing?

Appreciating Cultural Differences
Learning culture-mapping as an effective tool for adoption of best-practices.

Integrated Management
Going beyond tools and techniques – the holistic approach.

A variety of approaches will be used – sessions will start with the concepts, offer examples to illustrate the concepts and then use cases/ caselets (wherever relevant) for further understanding of the concepts. It would also include workshop-mode exercises to develop some skills in the application of the concepts. Active in-class discussion and group-discussions will be encouraged. There would be a focus on techniques, as this would be an important takeaway for the participants.

Programme Directors

Jaideep Sarkar is a Professor of Practice in the Entrepreneurship Area and Chairperson of the Mizuho India Japan Study Centre at IIM Bangalore. He is a retired Indian Foreign Service officer with more than three decades of experience in Government, including tenures in the Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of External Affairs and Indian missions abroad, including in Japan. During his tenure in the PMO, he served as Private Secretary to Prime Minister during 2006-12. He has served as Ambassador/ High Commissioner of India to Bhutan, South Africa and Israel. During his tenure in government, he has dealt extensively with Japanese industry, government and academia, through which he has acquired a deep knowledge and understanding of the country’s business, culture and society.

Saideep Rathnam is the Chief Operating Officer of the Mizuho India Japan Study Centre at IIM Bangalore. Prior to this, as the Managing Director of a consultancy company, he was helping industries to innovate and change. He has worked with industries across a wide spectrum, from aero and auto industries to information technology companies, covering both manufacturing and service sectors. He has over four decades of experience and has been involved with the launch and execution of Visionary Leaders for Manufacturing (VLFM) program (a CII initiative) at the national level. He has also worked on lean transformation of SMEs at the national level through the Visionary SME (VSME) program as well as Visionary Learning Community of India (VLCI) program. He has also published a book titled ‘Creating the Next Generation of Manufacturing Change Leaders’ which captures the nuances of building a unique learning community approach to leadership development at the grassroots. Over three decades of academic and industry interactions with the Japanese has helped him to develop a deep understanding of the Japanese approach to business.

Participant Benefits

Participant Benefits
As a participant of this Short Duration Programme, you will be able to enjoy some exclusive benefits other than the outcomes such as skills and knowledge enhancement and building specific competencies that can help shape your career growth.

Some of the exclusive benefits of attending this programme are listed below –

  • Receive Executive Education eNewsletters
  • Invitation to share articles to the EEP blog (subject to a shortlisting process
  • Participate in EEP webinars on various topics
  • Invitation to curated events and programs by the EEP office

Programme Charges

Programme Fee
INR 1,05,000/- Residential and INR 90,000/- Non -Residential (+ Applicable GST) per person for participants from India and its equivalent in US Dollars for participants from other countries.

Early Bird Discount
Nominations received with payments on or before 07-Nov-24 will be entitled to an early bird Discount of 10%.
Early Bird Fee (Residential) INR 94,500/-(+ Applicable GST)
Early Bird Fee (Non-Residential) INR 81,000/-(+ Applicable GST)

Group Discount
Group Discount of 5% percentage can be availed for a group of 3 or more participants when nominations received from the same organization.

Please Note

  • All enrolments are subject to review and approval by the programme director. Joining Instructions will be sent to the selected candidates 10 days prior the start of the programme.
  • The programme fee should be received by the Executive Education Office before the programme commencement date.
  • In case of cancellations, the fee will be refunded only if a request is received at least 15 days prior to the start of the programme.
  • If a nomination is not accepted,the fee will be refunded to the person/ organisation concerned.
  • A certificate of participation will be awarded to the participants by IIMB.

How To Apply for the Programme

Certificate Sample

Note: Certificate image is for reference to potential participants only and may change at the discretion of Executive Education Programmes Office

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