Venue/Deadlines | Program Dates | Program Fees |
Venue : IIMB Campus
Early Bird Discount Date : 24 Oct, 2024
Last date for registration: 04 Nov, 2024
Start Date : 14 Nov, 2024 End Date : 16 Nov, 2024 |
Residential Fee(excluding GST) : Rs. 1,05,000
Residential Early Bird Fee(excluding GST) : Rs. 94,500 Non-Residential Fee(excluding GST) : Rs. 90,000 Non-residential Early Bird Fee(excluding GST) : Rs. 81,000 |
Programme Overview
The programme will offer insights from Behavioral Economics into decision-making for HR, Sales and Marketing and Personal Finance Professionals, through a series of lectures and in-class live experiments.
Participants will be introduced to the seminal works of top behavioral economists in the world, including those of two Nobel Laureates – Daniel Kahneman and Richard Thaler.
Programme Objective
The purpose of this course is to inform future managers, analysts and consultants of the deeper psychological processes which underlie decision-making when it comes to people, product choices and policy making. The course will enable the students to incorporate the insights into marketing, human resource practices, finance and business strategies.
Programme Content
How a woman (or a man) fares in life depends to a large extent on a series of decisions that she takes. However, the process of how we arrive at decisions is often very complex.
Consider the following: ask the person on your left the answer to the following: 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 = ? To the one on your right: 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x4 x 3 x 2 x 1=? Chances are that the one on your right will quote a higher number. The reason is they are Humans, and not cold, calculating, rational machines or Econs. This course is about understanding human behavior through the lens of behavioral economics – heuristics and biases, and reference points that influence our everyday behavior.
Each topic covered in this course will have three facets. First, participants will get a broad overview of important results from behavioral economics, psychology of economic decision-making, and heuristics & biases that influence our decision-making. Second, the participants will see applications corresponding to these results in a wide range of business contexts. Third, the course will introduce the participants the idea of experimentation – the methodological tool in which one thing is changed at a time which in turn makes causal inference possible.
Policies and strategies are often adopted based on intuition or feeling, which may not be a smart thing to do. Will you go to a doctor, who claims she prescribes medicines on the basis of ‘intuition’? Will you let yourself be cut by a surgeon who ‘feels’ there is something wrong with your kidney? To us the answer, quite unequivocally, is no. An informed choice can be made by rigorous empirical evidences using randomized experimental data.
Key Benefits/Takeaways
Understand people’s behavior better
Incorporate behavioral biases in the decision-making process of HR
Understand how to conduct randomized experiments
Live Classroom Experiments
Classroom Lectures
Textbooks: Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman and Misbehaving, Richard Thaler
Participant profile
This is a cross-functional course aimed at:
Early and Mid-career executives in Corporate Entities, NGOs, Government
HR Professionals
Personal Finance Executives (Insurance Agents, Mutual Fund Dealers, Personal Loan Executives etc.)
Sales and Marketing Professionals who wish to understand consumers better
Top-notch faculty, contemporary content, a great learning environment, and application orientation make the IIMB Exec Ed programmes world-class.