Quick Overview – Why a new website?

Existing WebsiteNew website
Inflexible design and not user friendlyFlexible design and user friendly
UX/UI – old tech and unresponsiveModern UX/UI and responsive website
Multiple applications and sign-on’s for CMS and LMSSingle sign-on for CMS and LMS with granular user-access controls
No provision to build applications – eg. Program TrackerBuilt a program tracker application that solves the critical problem of tracking programs effectively. We are currently using an excel which has become unwieldy.
Admin control with the vendor that creates external dependenciesWe control everything thus ensuring quick turnarounds and the flexibility to extend functionalities
No provision for an EEP blogEEP blog and dedicated pages to highlight EEP alumni benefits
Limited search functioanlityGranular search for programs based on multiple filters
High replacement cost and time consumingNew website is a 100% internal effort resulting in major cost savings, effort, and time.
Website security linked to main websiteSecurity as multiple levels – firewall, https, menu level and page level access controls, daily backups
High dependencies and no provision for building inhouse capacity and capabilitiesBuilt on WordPress. Highly scalable and secure. Easy transfer of knowledge. Website maintenance can be outsourced if required.