
Advanced Business Negotiation Programme

Venue/Deadlines Program Dates Program Fees

Venue : IIMB Campus
Early Bird Discount Date : 13 May, 2024
Last date for registration: 24 May, 2024


Start Date : 03 Jun, 2024
End Date : 05 Jun, 2024
Residential Fee(excluding GST) :  Rs. 1,10,000
Residential Early Bird Fee(excluding GST) :  
Non-Residential Fee(excluding GST) :
 Rs. 95,000
Non-residential Early Bird Fee(excluding GST) :   
Rs. 85,500

About the Programme

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Contact details

Ms. Vinitha Vandana
Landline No.:+91-80-26993475
Mobile No. +91-8951974078
Email: vinitha.vandana@iimb.ac.in

Starting In
Senior Leaders
Short Duration
International Travel
Alumni Status

Programme Overview
The Advanced Business Negotiation programme provides a framework for managers/negotiators to analyse and improve their own decision processes and approaches in choosing to reach an advanced agreement. The goal of successful advanced negotiation is not merely “closing a deal” but arriving at the best possible agreement. This programme offers step-by-step advice and real-life examples to enhance advanced negotiation expertise.

Programme Objectives

  • To help appreciate what makes a good negotiator in the context of advanced business, alliances and joint ventures, acquisitions, contracts and projects
  • To inform participants about the principles and practices in strategizing advanced negotiations
  • To provide insights into live cases in the context of negotiating advanced projects, major advanced contracts, advanced alliances, and cross-border acquisitions.

Programme Contents

  • The making of an effective advanced business negotiator
  • Advanced negotiation planning framework
  • The distinction among negotiating advanced projects, major advanced business partnerships/alliances and acquisitions
  • How to establish a price range
  • The effective use of timing and risk assessment during advanced negotiations
  • The anatomy of a successful closing of the advanced negotiation process

Key benefits/takeaways

  • Understanding advanced negotiation process in terms of preparation, bargaining, implementation, and dynamic renegotiation
  • New approaches and perspectives on familiar problems in advanced negotiation
  • Developing winning strategies and tactics in advanced negotiations

Who Should Apply

  • Senior executives and those in line management involved in decisions relating to projects and business
  • Partnerships /alliances and acquisitions.

Programme Directors

Dr. S Raghunath, Professor of Corporate Strategy and Policy at IIM Bangalore, specializes in analyzing and advising on business negotiations. He teaches post-graduate and doctoral courses in Alliance Management, Strategic Networks and Corporate Strategy and leads IIMB executive programmes on Negotiations. He has offered programmes on Negotiations to foreign diplomats from Western and Eastern Europe, Africa, Russia, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. For the past 17 years he has offered senior management programmes in business negotiations to over 256 companies both domestic and multinational. He is an author of a number of academic and popular articles as well as field case studies and teaching materials.

Professor Anil B. Suraj, at IIM Bangalore delivers core courses on – Public Administration and Law for the Fellow students, and Business Law for the MBA Programme, and for the Executive Management Programmes. Suraj has jointly coordinated the Phase-IV Mid-Career Training Programme in 2008, 2009 and 2010 for the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) Officers, and regularly delivers technical, sessions to Mid-career programmes of various All India Services on “Judicial Review of Policy making”, “WTO & TRIPS”; and “Intellectual Property Rights & Data Protection”.

Prior of joining IIM Bangalore in March 2007, Suraj was a Research Fellow at the National Judicial Academy, India, wherein he coordinated training courses for senior District Judges and High Court Justices on various topics, including – Economic Analysis of Law and Adjudication of Economic Laws. At the Academy, Suraj was involved in coordinating the first ever initiative of a course module and a training programme on Court Management and Judicial Administration in India. Suraj has also been a Member of the first Working Group of the Planning Commission for Union Minister of Law and Justice for the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017).

Since graduating from the National Law School Bangalore in 2000, and completing doctoral study on the theme of “Defensive Mechanisms under the WTO”, the range of research themes pursued by Suraj includes – Public Contract Law; Citizen-centricity of Regulatory Governance; Anti-dumping policy in India and the EU; Legal impact of WTO/TRIPs on small-scale industries; Access to justice for the Poor and the Disadvantaged; and Judicial Impact Assessment Models.

Suraj has also co-authored a research paper titled “Redesign of Government Business Relations in India and the Role of Legal Process” presented at, and published by, the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law, at the Stanford University. Suraj has also published a paper on – “Transfer of Technology in India; Interface of IPRs and Competition Policy” and completed research on the theme – “Emerging jurisprudence of Public Contract Law in India”.

Programme Charges

Programme Fee
INR 1,10,000/- Residential and INR 95,000/- Non -Residential (+ Applicable GST) per person for participants from India and its equivalent in US Dollars for participants from other countries.

Early Bird Discount
Nominations received with payments on or before 13-May-24 will be entitled to an early bird Discount of 10%.
Early Bird Fee (Residential) INR 99,000/-(+ Applicable GST)
Early Bird Fee (Non-Residential) INR 85,500/-(+ Applicable GST)

Group Discount
Group Discount of 5% percentage can be availed for a group of 3 or more participants when nominations received from the same organization.

Please Note

  • All enrolments are subject to review and approval by the programme director. Joining Instructions will be sent to the selected candidates 10 days prior the start of the programme.
  • The programme fee should be received by the Executive Education Office before the programme commencement date.
  • In case of cancellations, the fee will be refunded only if a request is received at least 15 days prior to the start of the programme.
  • If a nomination is not accepted,the fee will be refunded to the person/ organisation concerned.
  • A certificate of participation will be awarded to the participants by IIMB.

Participant Benefits

As a participant of this Short Duration Programme, you will be able to enjoy some exclusive benefits other than the outcomes such as skills and knowledge enhancement and building specific competencies that can help shape your career growth.

Some of the exclusive benefits of attending this programme are listed below –

Receive Executive Education eNewsletters

Invitation to share articles to the EEP blog (subject to a shortlisting process)

Participate in EEP webinars on various topics

Invitation to curated events and programs by the EEP office

Certificate Sample

How To Apply for the Programme

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