Finance leadership transformation - banner image for blog post
In the rapidly evolving Indian finance sector, staying ahead of the curve requires continuous learning and adaptation. The corporate world is witnessing unprecedented levels of global uncertainty, volatility in capital flows, and intensifying competition. To navigate these complexities, understanding the nuances of corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), buyouts, and financial sector regulation is imperative. Executive education programs tailored to these domains offer invaluable insights and strategic advantages to senior...
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Design thinking SDP banner image
In the pursuit of innovation, there has been a lot of talk on systems thinking, critical thinking, design thinking, lateral thinking, divergent thinking and much more. With such information overload, numerous myths and misunderstandings surround the concepts. For instance, Design thinking is sometimes misunderstood as a ‘thinking framework’ only for designers & architects or confined to aesthetic concerns. Eventhough it originated and was popularized by D-schools, it is extensively relevant...
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International Yoga Day at IIMB EEP
On June 21st, the global community unites to celebrate International Yoga Day, a day dedicated to the transformative practice of yoga. This celebration not only highlights the physical benefits of yoga but also its profound impact on mental clarity and emotional stability. Most Yoga practitioners are well aware that ‘Yoga’ is not just a physical exercise of holding a posture and controlling the breath. It is a well-integrated methodology for...
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World Environment Day Greeting
As we celebrated this year’s World Environment Day on June 5th, it is a important moment for us to reflect on the intersection of leadership, sustainability, and the role of executive education in fostering & integrating an environmentally conscious business mindset in today’s and out future leadership. The theme for this year’s World Environment Day, focused on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future....
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Capital markets blog banner image
India’s capital markets are currently reflecting the country’s lofty economic ambitions. Thanks to the FinTech boom in India, there has been a huge spike in retail investor’s participation in the stock market – which is also a part of the Indian capital market. As per market research statistics, over 8.35 crore unique investors have registered in the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India over the last 5 years. The number...
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Finance leadership transformation - banner image for blog post
Transforming Financial Leadership: Programmes focused for Finance Executives
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Redefining Innovation with Design Thinking
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International Yoga Day at IIMB EEP
International Yoga Day: Enhancing Holistic Health and Mindful Leadership
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