
Mindfulness for Effective Leadership (Batch-2)

Venue/Deadlines Program Dates Program Fees
Venue : IIMB Campus
Early Bird Discount Date : 11 Nov, 2024
Last date for registration: 22 Nov, 2024


Start Date : 02 Dec, 2024
End Date : 04 Dec, 2024

Residential Fee(excluding GST) :  Rs. 1,05,000
Residential Early Bird Fee(excluding GST) :  Rs. 94,500
Non-Residential Fee(excluding GST) :  Rs. 90,000
Non-residential Early Bird Fee(excluding GST) :   Rs. 81,000

About the Programme

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Contact Us

Ms. Vinitha Vandana
Landline No.:+91-80-26993475
Mobile No. +91-8951974078
Email: vinitha.vandana@iimb.ac.in

Starting In
Short Duration
International Travel
Alumni Status

Programme Overview
This course provides basic to advanced concepts along with teaching the necessary practices for applying mindfulness for Effective Leadership. You can unravel the mysteries of the mind through mindfulness practices. In contrast to other subjects, Mindfulness is like a light in the room, helping you access knowledge at any time. In the fast-paced world of today, we need to make quick and right decisions. Clarity is critical to making these decisions. This course will help participants cope more effectively with the challenges of their day-to-day life by becoming more self-aware and incorporating meditation as part of their lives.

Mindfulness for Effective Leadership course will help you navigate the world within to be more self-aware to understand the wisdom that arises through this awareness. Through this wisdom, one can respond effectively rather than react naturally.

This course will equip participants with tools to respond more effectively for better decision making, required for all leaders. Finally, stress and mental health have become the new epidemic in the modern-day society. This course will help participants listen to their inner voices and possibly help manage stress, which will keep mental health in check. The course includes experimental exercises, personal reflections and guided meditation

Programme Objective
The course is designed with the following main objectives:

  • Understand what Mindfulness is and it’s components.
  • What is the need for Mindfulness for today’s Leaders.
  • How to effectively use Mindfulness for Leadership.
  • To understand the practices required to understand the Mind and it’s use in today’s world.
  • Understanding body mind connection to deal with wide range of emotions.
  • To introduce tools for Mind-Management through various contemplative practices like Mindfulness and Compassion using Meditation.
  • To introduce the Basics of Meditation, Types of Meditation and best ways to develop a Meditation Practice.
  • To introduce the intersection of science-backed Meditation tools and practices that help manage stress and mental health.
  • To identify tools for Self-Awareness, Reflection, Contemplation, and Stress Management in daily life.
  • Understand Scientifically proven habit building techniques.

Programme Content

  • What is Mindfulness and it’s components
  • Qualities of Mindfulness and Compassionate Leaders
  • Introduction to academic study of Mind and its Importance
  • Role of Empathy within the understanding of the Mind
  • Mind as a key player in an individual for Self-Awareness
  • How Leaders Start Mindful Organizations
  • What Stops Leaders from their full Potential?
  • Applications of Mindfulness in Leadership and Organizations
  • Mindful Competition and Growth
  • Compassionate Leadership to create a less stressful work culture
  • Loving-Kindness (Metta) and Equanimity for Leaders
  • Mindfulness Self-Compassion
  • Learn Techniques for Managing Stress like Mindful Walking, Ho’oponopono among others.
  • Understanding Zen Fundamentals for Leadership  
  • Compassion and Equanmity for All
  • Scientifically proven habit building techniques.

Key Benefits/Takeaways

  • Mindful Leadership will enhance better decision making.
  • Assess your leadership on the basis of mindfulness, compassion and empathy.
  • How Mindfulness overcomes challenging emotions to help make right decisions
  • Learn how to respond and lead with empathy and compassion.
  • Help create more mindful, safe, less stressful work culture.

The ideas are from Ancient Indian Wisdom and Modern Science. Therefore, the sessions will be mainly didactic in nature. The course is based on experiential learning. The base of this course will be Meditation and will be applicable for novice and advanced practitioners of Meditation alike. This course will use audio- visual media. The course will have more value when the students contemplate on the ideas, engage during the sessions, and make personal reflections connecting to their inner experiences.

Meditations, Reflections, and Contemplations: Participants will be encouraged to learn through reflections and contemplation exercises.

Who Should Participate

  • This course is for individuals and managers who are keen to know about Mindfulness to further their professional or personal growth.
  • This course is for those who want to enhance their understanding of Mindfulness.
  • The course will open to leaders who would like to bring Mindfulness in their teams and organizations to enhance productivity.
  • This course is designed for organizations who would like to understand Compassionate Communication.

Programme Directors

Mr. Nitesh Batra is the founder of The Mindful Initiative and Ashtanga Yoga Sadhna in Bangalore. He has been practicing and teaching since 2006. He also hosts The Mindful Initiative Podcast. Nitesh has taught Mindfulness and Compassion related courses at various corporates, schools, and colleges, including SAIL, BHEL, IMT Ghaziabad, Practo, Indian Cancer Society, World Learning.

Before teaching Yoga, Nitesh worked in the corporate world for ten years. He produced two award-winning Feature films in Hindi and Assamese.

In 2019, Nitesh was awarded the Compassion Corps Grant to teach CCT in underprivileged communities. He was also a Fellow at Summer Research Institute at The Mind and Life Institute in 2020. He is the only certified teacher of CCT in India from Stanford Medical School’s Center of Compassion and Research in Education (CCARE).

Since 2010, Nitesh has learned Yogic Philosophy from Sh. Sharath Jois and the Mohans. Nitesh is currently enrolled in the 5-year BP of Buddhism under the refuge of Geshe Tenzin Namdak. Nitesh graduated with dual Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from the University of Maryland, College Park, and completed his MBA from the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad.

Professor U Dinesh Kumar is a Zen practitioner and a professor of Decision Sciences. His interests include mindfulness and loving kindness. His training included Transcedental Meditation and Sukshma Yoga.

Participant Benefits

Participant Benefits
As a participant of this Short Duration Programme, you will be able to enjoy some exclusive benefits other than the outcomes such as skills and knowledge enhancement and building specific competencies that can help shape your career growth.

Some of the exclusive benefits of attending this programme are listed below –

  • Receive Executive Education eNewsletters
  • Invitation to share articles to the EEP blog (subject to a shortlisting process
  • Participate in EEP webinars on various topics
  • Invitation to curated events and programs by the EEP office

Programme Charges

Programme Fee
INR 1,05,000/- Residential and INR 90,000/- Non -Residential (+ Applicable GST) per person for participants from India and its equivalent in US Dollars for participants from other countries.

Early Bird Discount
Nominations received with payments on or before 11-Nov-24 will be entitled to an early bird Discount of 10%.
Early Bird Fee (Residential) INR 94,500/-(+ Applicable GST)
Early Bird Fee (Non-Residential) INR 81,000/-(+ Applicable GST)

Group Discount
Group Discount of 5% percentage can be availed for a group of 3 or more participants when nominations received from the same organization.

Please Note

  • All enrolments are subject to review and approval by the programme director. Joining Instructions will be sent to the selected candidates 10 days prior the start of the programme.
  • The programme fee should be received by the Executive Education Office before the programme commencement date.
  • In case of cancellations, the fee will be refunded only if a request is received at least 15 days prior to the start of the programme.
  • If a nomination is not accepted,the fee will be refunded to the person/ organisation concerned.
  • A certificate of participation will be awarded to the participants by IIMB.

Certificate Sample

Note: Certificate image is for reference to potential participants only and may change at the discretion of Executive Education Programmes Office

How To Apply for the Programme

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