IIMB-EEP designed and conducted off-campus programmes at the Indorama Campus in Nigeria for Indorama Eleme Petrochemicals Limited (IEPL)

IEPL is a with operations in petrochemicals, fertilizers & chemicals, and ports, that understands the need for organized leadership development programs to develop company defined competencies to maintain its high-performance standard and train its officers in key leadership roles.
IIMB-EEP delivered “Leadership Development Programme (LDP)” and “Emerging Leaders Programme (ELP)” for the High Potential (HIPO) leaders of the firm to develop their competencies in streamlining the firm’s direction and strategy for effective execution, build practices of developing teams to succeed in an evolving environment and leading-coaching people. Additionally, the programme also aids the refinement of. The leaders’ skills for efficient transition into leadership roles.
A team of professors held the programme at the client’s location where participants were 50% Indian and 50% Nigerian nationals with majority possessing an Engineering degree and others, a Business Administration degree
Leadership Development Programme (LDP) and Emerging Leaders Programme (ELP):
The cohort for LDP constituted 81 functional and senior leaders of major teams with 18 to 25 years of experience in business, service, commercial, marketing and other areas. Roles taken up by those in this position carry responsibility for financial goals, and those who support or audit functions carry other non-financial goals. The 5-day programme’s supported them in developing their competencies to take on more challenging roles by being structured around thinking, decision-making, and execution, along with the principles of transformational leadership. It focused on latest technological advancements and the macroeconomic impact on business, global marketing and key account management.
The cohort for ELP was made up of about 45 participants who are mid-management leaders with 10-15 years of experience from various functions that managed and led large teams.The 4-days programme’s aimed to develop a mid-management HIPO cohort to sustain their high performance and grow into functional head roles in the near future. The programme revolved around technological advancements and applications impacting businesses in petrochemicals, fertilizers & chemicals, business strategy, macroeconomicinfluence in business, and effective leadership tenets.
The programme was inaugurated by several leaders present from IEPL across all functions and Mr. Pradeep Ekka, HR Head, Indorama Nigeria, addressed the participants on importance of the programme for the senior level officers and future challenges of business. Mr. Munish Jindal, CEO at Indorama Eleme Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited also applauded the efforts of participants in making the programme successful.